Well its been a crazy few months for the world, global pandemic was certainly not on the to do list for 2020! Here at Alma’s studios we have been adapting what we do and how we work to continue to provide services.
Something that we decided to do was to create a Facebook support group for women who are expecting during Covid-19. In this group we’ve been sharing some fantastic tips about how to care for yourself during lockdown, maternity yoga sessions, Q&A sessions and a safe space for women to share their concerns and advice. Its so important as a community to support eachother, now more then ever! Alma has invited a number of professionals into the group to be able to offer support including midwifes, doulas and health visitors. Theres been a couple of Q&A sessions with Doulas and Health Visitors which have offered the chance to ask questions virtually and get a personal response.
Doula Zelle Baggaley live Q&A session
One of the best aspects of the Pregnancy During Covid-19 group is that other expectant mums can be around to support eachother. During this time when naturally anxiety and stress is high anyway its really important to take care of your mental health and wellbeing. One of the best ways you can do this is by discussing concerns and fears with others. When you’re pregnant its completely natural and expected to have questions and concerns as well as anxieties, but with the addition of Covid-19 its vitally important to keep on top of your mental health and wellbeing. Within the group we have been supporting eachother and professionals have been offering some fantastic advice and tips.
We have regularly been sharing information to do with pregnancy, how to prepare for a homebirth, monitoring movement, safety aspects and also all the up to date information from the NHS hospitals in Dorset. As a community its become a great hub of information, support and friendly advice. The group is growing by the day and is always a hive of activity with posts relating to all aspects of pregnancy.
Before the reopening of the studio we will be sharing what else we’ve been up to, watch this space x
Maternity photoshoot by award winner photographer Alma Seskauskyte