This feeling is no like other, when your child graduates nursery and is proudly claiming that she/he is a big girl/boy now!
I remember it like it was yesterday.. tears running down my face thinking how did I get there, we started nursery like yesterday!!!!
First day is a big deal, trust me.. once they start the year they seem like little chickens and when they finish the year it will be like they have grown up over night.
Last year it was out first day to school and well… DO not trust your other half to remember which date they actually start, as that way you will be like us, who had first day twice… :D
But we learned a lot during the year and here are few of my tips to ease the transition for you and your child.
1. Communication is VERY important!
Have you got like 2 million letters from school all ready? Since place confirmed the school sends a lot of information, like start dates and the revised start dates… Always print them and have them available to look. It will also give you dates for term times, holidays and other important dates that you can put straight to your diary.
Talk to your children a lot about school. Nurseries do a fabulous job to get them excited, so try to keep that peek via summer holidays and make sure they know you are excited too!
Tell them the name of school, the class name and their teachers name, they will feel less nervous knowing more. Also let them know it is ok to be a little nervous and scared, it is ok to feel sad if they miss their nursery friends. Also tell them that it will be super fun, and they will meat even more friends!
2. School run - oh lordy!!!
You will have few times to practice your school run, as usually they have school meet their teacher sessions. Because of the cover 19, some schools did not do “meet the teachers” days, but Strongly encourage practice the school run, go there see whats the deal with the parking situation, what capacity they have also show your child the school, the gates and playground (even from behind the fence).
School run is well, ill let you to experience the joy yourselves!
3. School Uniform
My daughters favourite part is always school shoe shopping! And actually it is not that bad to get them excited about new uniforms as it will be their everyday, if they choose themselves, trust me it will be much easier to get them dress themselves! Also helps if you choose velcro, easy buttons, easy zip. Let them show you they can do it and practice makes it perfect and will make it quicker in the mornings.
What you will need uniform wise? well, I made it simple to myself, I prepare clothes for 5 days in one go, so always buy that we have to last all 5 days. Also shirts and blouses, I always get few extra as they get stains that sometimes doesn’t come out.
4. Toilet and accidents
If your child isn’t fully toilet trained and still gets little accidents, you need to tell that to the teacher, so they can help in case. Always put spare underwear in their school bag, and tell them its ok to ask for help.
Hand washing is a BIG thing nowadays so make sure your child knows how to.
5. Does your child know their full name?
Family Photographer AlmasHome Studio, Primary first photos
Thats great if they know and can say it, and even better if they can write it. If they can’t jut yet, so some practicing over summer, as everything will be labeled with their name on it and it makes easier to know what they are looking for. Also tell them that they will know how to write their name and read it very soon!
6. Relax and Capture the momentum!
Back to school photoshoot is a great way to practice and try on their new uniform. Also it is a momentum that you will want to look back on, trust me, this face will start to look more and more grown up every year!
The morning of first day, make start little earlier, so you can be as relaxed and not rushing. Seeing you calm and happy will make them relaxed too and you all enjoy the experience much more.
When you will pick them up, be prepared: almost all your questions will be answered like this - I don’t remember ! They will be super tired and most likely remember last 30min, lucky if they will remember what they had for lunch :)
7. MORE FREE time?
If you are a working mum, most likely nothing will change as before when they were in nursery/child minders/grandparents. Just enjoy listening them every day getting better at reading and writing.
If you are a stay at home mum, finally you will have that time to meet that friend, remember, the one you were planning to meet up for last 5 years?
First School Photos, Reception year, Back to school minis by Alma’s Home Studio